100g icing sugar
150g corn flour
290g flour
1 tsp bicarbonate soda
4 tbsp butter
300g roasted ground & crushed almonds
In a mixing bowl, mix all ingredients till it become a soft dough.
Rest it in the fridge about 15mins.
Preheat oven 150 celsius.
Roll the dough about 1cm thickness.
Cut round & arrange in a greased baking tray.
Bake about 25mins - 30mins or till golden.
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500g compound chocolates
300g roasted shredded almonds
1 cup cocoa powder (to garnished)
few aluminium cases (small heart-shaped or round)
Heat in low heat. Boil water till bubble.
Using a double-boiler, melt the chocolate till melt.
Once it is, pour a spoonful into the mould, half then add the almonds.
Pour the chocolate to cover the almonds. Sprinkle the cocoa once it is half-set.
Make sure the chocolate in the boiler didn't set.
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3 cups self-raising flour
1 tbsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
400ml evaporated milk
20g palm sugar or depend on sweetness (each individual)
5 tbsp butter
1 tbsp banana essence
salt to taste
200g ripe mashed bananas
few pieces of bananas (sliced)
butter to grease the cups
In a mixing bowl, beat eggs, milk, butter, essence, sugar, salt, baking powder.
Fold in the cinnamon powder & flour abit at a time till combined.
Stir in the bananas continuously in one direction.
Heat oven in 180 celsius. Pour the mixture about 3/4 in each cup.
Arrange the sliced banana on top
Bake about 25mins to 30mins till golden brown.
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400g thin vermicelli
(soak in the water till soft then strained)
30cts bean sprout
$1 chili paste
$1 dried shrimp
5 onion
2 tbsp crushed garlic
5 tbsp tamarind juices
5 tbsp salted soy beans (washed)
2 tbsp oil
30cts chives (sliced)
2 pcs beancurd (fry & slice cubes)
500g fresh prawns (de-shelled & washed)
salt & sugar to taste
In a mixer, blend onion, garlic, chili, shrimp, tamarind juices, soy beans, abit water till it become a paste.
Heat in medium heat. Pour the oil & saute the paste till fragrance, stir the salt & sugar to taste.
Add in the prawns, stir evenly.
Add in vermicelli, stir continuously.
Turn heat to low fire. Add in the bean sprout, chives & bean curds, stir about 5mins.
Off the heat.
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$1 clove garlic (crushed)
2 tbsp oil
50g baby corn
50g baby peas
50g cauliflowers (cut pieces)
50g broccoli (cut pieces)
50g button mushroom (cut half)
$1 fish ball (cut half)
$2 fresh prawn (shelled)
$2 fresh cuttlefish (slice)
1 green / red capsicum (cut pieces)
1 tbsp ground white pepper
salt & light soy sauce to taste
Heat in medium fire. Pour oil in a wok, saute garlic till fragrance.
Add capsicum, baby peas & seafoods, stir continuosly.
Add salt & soy sauce to taste
Lastly add all the vegetables, simmer about 5mins. Off the fire.
Cover the lid.
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200g tanghoon (soak)
2 onion (slice)
3 clove garlic (slice)
1 tbsp black peppercorn
3 tbsp oyster sauce
1 red / green chilies (slice)
200g medium prawn (shelled)
200g fresh crab meat (diced)
1 sprig spring onion (slice)
1 sprig celery (slice)
1 sprig coriander leaves (slice)
salt to taste
2 tbsp oil
100g fried shallots
Blend onion, garlic, peppercorn into a paste.
Heat in medium fire, pour oil & stir the blend mixture.
Saute till fragrance or till oil surface.
Stir in chilies, oyster sauce, seafood together.
Stir in tanghoon, mix well about 20mins.
Off the fire. Sprinkle celery, coriander & spring onion evenly.
When serving, sprinkle fried shallots.
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500g fresh lobster meat (steam & cut cubes)
100g lettuce (shredded)
100g purple cabbage
50g cherry tomatoes
2 onion (slice)
salt to taste
100g roasted pine nuts
1 tbsp dried dill
1 tbsp dried thyme
1 tsp paprika
In a mixing bowl, add altogether... combined all.
Sprinkle vinaigrette dressing or others, together with pine nuts.
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1 small can green peas (strain)
1 small can chickpeas (strain)
1 small can kidney bean (strain)
200g boneless chicken (steam & diced)
2 onion (diced)
3 clove garlic (diced)
1 red / green capsicum (diced)
5 cherry tomatoes (cut half)
1 sprig basil leaves (slice)
1 sprig mint leaves (slice)
1 sprig coriander leaves (slice)
3 tbsp olive oil
salt to taste
2 tbsp squeeze lemon juices
2 tbsp paprika
2 tbsp capers
50g roasted sunflower seeds
200g french dressings
In a mixing bowl, combined all ingredients including the dressing except the sunflower seeds.
Keep cool in the fridge about 1hr. When serving, sprinkle the sunflower seeds over the salad.
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5 shallots (cut half)
2 green / red chilies (cut 4 lengthly)
2 onions
5 clove garlic
2 tbsp turmeric powder
50g candlenuts
50cts chili paste
3" ginger
1/2 cup vinegar
salt & sugar to taste
2 tbsp oil
3 cucumbers / 2 carrots (cut lengthly)
Blend onion, garlic, ginger, candlenuts till paste.
Heat in medium fire. Pour oil in a wok.
Saute the chili paste, including the candlenuts mixture till fragrance or till oil surfaces.
Add salt, turmeric & sugar to taste.
Pour the vinegar, simmer about 15mins. Off the fire.
Stir all the chilies, shallots, carrot, cucumber together & cover with lid.
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5 passion fruit (cut half & scoop the flesh)
300g raspberries
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 cup sour cream
2 tbsp grated orange rind
2 tbsp squeeze orange juice
50g roasted almond flakes
Mix the cream, orange rind, juice together & keep aside.
Divide passion in a few oven-proof mould.
Pour the cream mixture, arrange the berries & spread the remaining cream.
Sprinkle the sugar, bake about 5mins.
When serving, sprinkle the almonds.
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200g cream cheese
175 self-raising flour (sifted)
150g butter
150g caster sugar
3 eggs
few pcs cupcake mould
2 tbsp butter (brush onto the mould)
In a mixer bowl, beat butter, sugar, vanilla, eggs & flour till fluffy.
Fold the cheese & mix altogether.
Pour 3/4 mixture into the mould & bake till golden brown.
Sprinkle with icing sugar or cocoa powder.
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300g fresh durian (scoop out the flesh)
2 tbsp caster sugar
200ml coconut milk
1 pc screwpint leaves (tie to knot)
2 tbsp flour (mix with water, stir till no lump)
1 tsp durian essence
Heat in low fire. Pour coconut milk, sugar, screwpine leaves & flour in a pot.
Stir continuosly, add essence. Continue to stir till thicken.
Add in the durian, stir again about 15mins. Off fire.
Transfer the mixture in a bowl .
Arrange dessert glasses or small bowl. Pour the mixture into it.
Keep cool in the fridge about 2hrs & garnish with mint leaves.
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500g fresh durian (scoop out the flesh)
500ml fresh cream
sugar to taste
200g roasted shredded almonds
1 sprig mint leaves
In a mixer, beat cream & sugar till fluffy.
Fold in the durian & divide into dessert glasses or small bowl
Keep cool in the fridge about 2hrs.
When serving, sprinkle with almonds & mint leaves.
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2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
500g mince meat
1pc jalapeno (unseed & diced)
5 clove of garlic
3 onion (diced)
1 tbsp cumin powder
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp tabasco
1 can kidney bean
20g dried tomatoes (diced)
1 litre jug beef stock
salt to taste
1 sprig celery (diced)
1 carrot (diced)
Heat in medium fire. Pour oil in a pot, saute garlic, onion, jalapeno, cumin, chili, salt, pepper, tabasco till fragrance.
Add in the meat , carrot & stock, boil till thicken.
Add in beans, tomatoes. Cover half lid. Off fire & keep aside.
200g shredded mozzarella cheese
2 onion (diced)
Few pcs of tortilla, taco or naan
1 or 2 sprig lettuce
1 cup mango salsa
Spread tortilla, spread mango salsa, meat.
Sprinkle with lettuce, onion, cheese & fold half.
Bake till cheese golden & melt.
Same process for naan.
As for taco. Arrange taco on a tray & sprinkle the meat, onion, cheese. Bake till golden & melt.
Serve with lettuce & salsa.
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100g oats
100g flaxseed
50g sesame seeds
50g wheatgerm
Toast all these about 10mins & keep aside
200g mixed fruits & nuts
5 tbsp molasses
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp oil
2 tbsp orange peels
salt to taste
In a bowl, mix all these together including the toasted ingredients.
Spread mixture evenly onto rectangle tray.
Bake about 20mins.
Cut into a bar before it turns cool.
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250g flour
250g butter
2 eggs
30ml evaporate low fat milk
150g caster sugar
salt to taste
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp bicarbonate soda
1 tsp vanilla essence
300g chocolate chips
100g cocoa powder
200g roasted flake almonds
Few muffin cups (brush with butter)
Sift flour, both sodas together & keep aside.
In a mixing bowl, beat the butter, salt, eggs, sugar on a medium speed.
In between... fold the flour, milk, vanilla & cocoa in low speed.
Add in the chocolate chips & almonds, stir in one direction.
Pour the mixture in muffin cup, sprinkle with balance of almonds & bake about 20mins to 30mins.
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2 cups flour
250g chopped butter
1 egg (beaten)
salt to taste
1 tsp vanilla essence
In a mixing bowl, stir in beaten egg, salt, vanilla & butter.
Fold the flour & knead till it form a dough, keep in the fridge about 20mins until it firm to roll.
If too sticky, add abit more flour.
Once it is firm, roll the dough & cut the dough in round, press it into a pastry case which already brush with butter.
Bake about 10mins till golden brown. Keep aside.
1/2 cup diced lemon zest
1 cup lemon juices
1 cup caster sugar
150g butter
5 eggs (beaten)
salt to taste
1 tsp vanilla essence
spread of slice mangoes, strawberries, raspberries & kiwis
1 small can of fresh cream
100g roasted almonds
Heat in low fire, pour lemon zest, juices, sugar, salt, eggs, vanilla in a pot.
Stir continuosly till thicken.
Strain away the zest. Off the fire. Pour the egg mixture into the pastry & bake another 10mins till golden brown.
Garnish the tartlets with 1 tsp cream, arrange the sliced fruits & sprinkle with almonds.
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1 whole chicken (cut 8pcs)
3 tbsp turmeric powder
salt to taste
2 cups oil
Smear the meat with turmeric & salt.
Heat in medium fire. Pour oil in a wok & fry half-cooked.
Keep aside.
$1 bryani spice
1 red / green chilies (cut 4 lengthly)
1 cup natural yoghurt
4 onion (2 slice / 2 pounded)
5 clove of garlic (blend into paste)
3" ginger (blend into paste)
2 tomatoes (cut 4)
100g cashewnuts (blend into paste)
2 cups of water (depend on the thickness of the gravy)
1 sprig coriander leaves (slice)
1 sprig mint leaves (slice)
2 screwpine leaves (tie into knot)
Heat in medium fire. Pour 2 tbsp oil in a wok... stir in all the paste, sliced onion & screwpines, saute till fragrance.
Stir in the spice, yoghurt & salt to taste.
Stir continuosly... pour in the water & meat, simmer till gravy thicken.
Lastly add tomatoes, chilies, coriander & mint leaves, simmer another 5mins.
Off the fire. Garnish with fried shallots & serve with rice or french loaf
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1 boneless chicken (cut cubes & steam)
2 tbsp sour cream
2 tbsp mayonaise
2 tbsp mango chutney
1 tbsp mustard
1 sprig sprig onion (sliced)
1 green apple (diced)
salt & ground black pepper to taste to taste
In a mixing bowl, stir in all ingredients including meat & apple... combined altogether.
Keep cool in the fridge about 1 or 2hrs.
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1 kg boneless chicken (cut into 8 pcs)
500ml coconut milk
$1 chili paste
3 tbsp tomato paste
3" ginger (pounded)
3 onion (pounded)
5 clove of garlic (pounded)
2 tbsp shrimp paste powder
2 tbsp coriander seed (fry without oil & pound not so fine)
salt & sugar to taste
3 tbsp oil
8pcs lemon wedges
500g coleslaws
1 sprig lettuce (cut half)
1 cucumber (slice round)
2 tomatoes (slice round)
1 small can green peas
Heat in medium fire. In a wok... pour oil & stir in the chili, onion, garlic, ginger, shrimp paste powder till fragrance or till oil surface.
Add in tomato paste, coconut milk, salt & sugar to taste.
Simmer till thicken & keep aside.
Off the fire. Transfer the sauces onto a bowl.
Prepare a shallow tray.
Dip the meat into the sauces & arrange in the tray, sprinkle with coriander seeds & peas.
Grill till meat, crispy & golden brown about 25mins.
Serve each person with 1 or 2 meat, garnished before serving.
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2 cups of rice (wash, clean & strain)
1 whole chicken (cut into 8 or 12 pcs)
2 pcs screwpine leaves (tie to knot)
2 pcs cinnamon
2 onion (pounded)
5 clove of garlic (pounded)
5" ginger (pounded)
2 litre jug of water
salt to taste
2 tbsp oil
5 tbsp sweet soy sauce
oil for frying chicken
1 sprig lettuce (cut lengthly)
30cts celery
$1 fried shallots
1/2 cucumber (slice round)
2 tomatoes (slice round)
Sambal Ginger
Sweet Soy Sauce
Heat in medium fire.
Pour pounded mixture into the wok with 2 tbsp oil, add in the cinnamon... stir continuosly till fragrance.
Add in the chicken, salt to taste & water.
Simmer till chicken tender about 20mins. Keep aside. Pour out 2 cups of stock.
In a rice cooker, pour in the stocks onto the rice, screwpine... boil with 1 pcs of chicken till rice cooked.
Mix soy sauce with balance of chicken... leave to marinate about 20mins.
Heat in medium fire, fry the chicken till crispy.
Serve the rice with fried chicken & lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, sweet soy sauce & sambal ginger.
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1 sprig lettuce (shredded)
1 onion (shredded)
1 red apple (cut cubes)
2 tbsp tuna mayonnaise
5 strawberries (cut half)
50g button mushrrom (cut half)
50g cubes pineapple (in a can & cut half)
50g chickpea or kidney bean (in a can)
In a mixing bowl, add all ingredients except tuna, leave in the fridge about 2 hrs before serving.
When serving, spread the tuna on top of the salads, sprinkle with any dressings but I prefer vinaigrette as it is light.
Vinaigrette Dressings
1 whole lemon (squeeze the juices)
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
salt to taste
2 tbsp olive oil
Pour all ingredients into food mixer till finely & best keep in the fridge overnight.
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6 eggs
1 can carnation evaporated milk
1 tbsp vanilla essence
3/4 caster sugar (depend each taste)
1 can hot water (measurement using milk can)
1 cup mixed raspberry & blueberry puree
In a bowl... dissolve sugar, water, vanilla... stir & keep aside.
Beat eggs till fluffy, stir in the milk & sugar mixture continuosly, strained.
Arrange small bowl or cups in the steamer, put 2 tbsp puree.
Pour the eggs mixture into it & steam about 20mins or till it is cooked.
For those... who prefer plain, just outdo the berries.. u can add ginger juices if u like it.
This pudding can be serve hot or cold.
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3 cups flour
250g butter
200g cream cheese
6 eggs
1 tbsp vanilla essence
salt & sugar to taste
In a mixing bowl.. beat butter, salt & sugar till creamy.
One at a time, add in the eggs, vanilla & cream cheese... beat still smooth.
Fold in the flour, combined altogether.
Brush the flan with butter & pour the mixture.
Bake till golden brown.
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250g flour
200g chilled butter
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 egg
salt to taste
1 cup blueberry puree
In a mixing bowl... beat egg, salt, butter & essence till creamy. Fold in the flour.
Transfer it onto table-top & knead the dough with hand till combined.
Then, place it in an airtight container or plastic wrap & keep firm in the fridge about 20mins.
Roll the dough into a mini-tart, spread the blueberry into it.
Cut some zig-zag strip from the balance dough & arrange onto the tartlet, brush with egg yolk.
Bake till golden brown.
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250g flour
200g chilled chopped butter
1 egg
3 tbsp iced water
Pour flour, butter in a mixer... beat till fine & crumble.
Add eggs & iced water... process again till dough come together.
Wrap dough in a plastic & keep cool in the fridge about 20mins.
Roll the dough into 6 or more pastry & trim the edges.
Brush each pastry with butter. Bake till golden brown & keep aside.
3 shredded lemon zest
lemon juices (from the 3 lemons)
3 tbsp cornstarch
1 egg yolk
4 eggs white
1 tsp cream of tartar
3 tbsp icing sugar
Heat in medium fire.
In a mixing bowl, add lemon zest, juices, yolk, cornstarch.. whisk onto the double-boiler till creamy.
Spread into the pastry & keep aside.
In another bowl, add the white eggs, cream of tartar, sugar... whisk onto the double-boiler till it is peak.
Again spread the peak cream onto the lemon fillings & spray heat on top of it till golden brown.
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10 mini filo tartlet shell (buy from supermarket)
100g ricotta cheese
50g icing sugar
1 small can fresh cream
50g bittersweet choc chips
50g mango puree
50g roasted flake almonds
Bake the mini tartlet about 10mins or till brown, keep aside.
In a mixing bowl, add cheese... sugar & blend together.
Fold in the cream, choc chips... mix slowly.
Then fill in, onto the tartlets & brush with the puree.
Keep cool in the fridge about 1hr or more.
When serving, garnish with almonds.
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2 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
salt to taste
1 tsp vanilla essence
150g butter
3 tbsp brown sugar
100g or more choc chips
100g or more roasted flakes almond
Lay parchment paper in the baking tray & brush butter evenly & keep aside.
Mix flour & baking powder in a bowl & keep aside.
Beat eggs, essence in a bowl & keep aside.
In a mixer... beat butter, sugar & salt till creamy. Pour in the eggs mixture.
Slowly at a time, fold in the flour, almonds, choc chips... combined altogether
Scoop a spoonful of dough, shape into a small ball & arrange on the tray, not too near.
Bake till golden brown, once cool... keep in an airtight container.
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200g strawberries (cut half)
200g raspberries (cut half)
100ml sparkling apple or grape juices
50g brown sugar
salt to taste
100g roasted granola
100g roasted shredded almonds
100g chocolate chips
few pieces chocolate mint stick
few pieces thin waffles
1 sprig mint leaves
1 tub vanilla ice-cream
Heat in low fire. Pour all the berries, juices in a pot, simmer till berries half soft.
Sprinkle with sugar till it become caramel. Off the fire. Transfer into a bowl & keep cool about 1hr in the fridge.
Scoop ice-cream into a dessert glass or small bowl. Pour 2 tbsp berries sauce.
Sprinkle with granola, almonds & choc chips.
Garnish with mint stick, mint leaves & waffles.
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1kg frozen beef (thaw & cut cubes)
1 whole grated coconut (3/4 squeeze for thick milk, 1/4 for thin milk, 1/4 for roasted dessicated)
5 stalks lemongrass
5 clove of garlic
2 onions
2" ginger
2 " galangal
50cts chili paste
1 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tbsp fennel seeds
1 tbsp star anise
1 tbsp cardamom
salt & sugar to taste
2pcs turmeric leaves (slice thinly)
1pc bay leaves
2 tbsp oil
Blend all the spices in a paste.
Heat in medium fire. Pour oil into wok, stir in the chili paste & both leaves till fragrance.
Pour in the spices, saute till oil surfaces.
Add in the meat, salt & sugar to taste. Add the thin milk. Lower the fire, let it simmer till meat is tender.
Lastly add the thick milk & dessicated coconut, stir well till it thicken.
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5 fresh mangoes (1 cut into diced for garnishing)
500ml fresh low cream
honey to taste
200g roasted shredded almonds
1 sprig fresh mint leaves
Divide the diced mangoes into few dessert glasses or bowl & keep to cool in the fridge.
Blend 4 mangoes in food mixer, half puree.
In a mixing bowl, beat cream with honey till fluffy thick.
Fold in the mangoes puree & mix together.
Arrange the dessert glasses or bowl on a tray, pour the puree & keep cool again for another 1 to 2 hrs.
When serving, sprinkle with almonds & mint leaves in the center.
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4 ozs unsweetened chocolate
100g butter
2 tbsp sugar
4 eggs (beaten)
20g instatnt espresso
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp nutmeg powder
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 cup flour
100g roasted macadamia nuts
salt to taste
Heat in medium fire, in a double-boiler, mix chocolate & butter together.
Stir continuosly till chocolate melts & smooth.
Off the fire. Transfer it to table-top, add in sugar, salt, vanilla, spices & espresso.
Stir thoroughly, add in the eggs, flour.
Mix well, stir in the nuts. Pour the mixture into the flan which already brush with butter.
Bake about 20mins or poke a stick, to make sure it is clean & till golden brown.
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200g beef steak
salt & ground black pepper to taste
2 tbsp olive oil
5 clove of garlic
$1 parsley (sliced)
2 tbsp peach vinegar
2 red chilies (diced)
50ml olive oil
2 tomatoes (sliced)
1/2 cup water
Season both side of the beef with salt & pepper.
Heat in medium fire, pour 2 tbsp oil & saute the beef till golden.
Once it is cool, slice thinly & arrange it on the plate, keep aside.
Add garlic, parsley, vinegar, chilies, 50ml oil & water into blender till smooth paste.
Pour the mixture on top of the beef & arrange the tomatoes.
Keep cool before serving.
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500g (boneless & cut into 4)
3 onion (diced)
5 clove of garlic (diced)
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp paprika
3 tbsp lemon juices
100g baby potatoes
100g baby carrots
100g cherry tomatoes
1 sprig dill (diced)
5 tbsp olive oil
salt to taste
2 tbsp ground black pepper
few lemon wedges
aluminium foil
In a mixing bowl, stir in salt, pepper, paprika, 2 tbsp oil & brush onto both sides of the salmon, keep aside.
In another mixing bowl, add the onion, garlic, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, dill, salt, pepper, oil & lemon juices.
Cut the foil into square, place the salmon & other ingredients in the center of the foil & arrange the potatoes mixture, depends on... how many u like.
Fold nicely with another foil, wrap doubly.
Arrange all the wrap salmon onto the rack & grill about 10mins to 25mins.
Discard the foil, place the salmon with the vegetables & serve with lemon wedges & avocado dips.
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4 tender lamb chop
1 tbsp ground black pepper
salt to taste
2 tbsp ground rosemary
1 cup pineapple / lemon juices
2 onion (diced)
5 clove of garlic (diced)
2 tbsp lemon zest
4 tbsp tomato / chili sauces
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup lea perrine sauce
50g roasted pine nuts
100g mixed vegetables (steamed)
100g fried potatoes wedges
Season lamb with salt, pepper & rosemary, both sides & bbq about 10mins.
Heat in medium fire, pour oil & add in the onion, garlic, lemon zest... saute it till brown.
Add in the juices, 3 sauces & salt to taste... simmer till thicken.
Once thicken, soak the lamb into the sauce & bbq it again till tender.
Pour the remaining sauces onto the lamb, sprinkle with roasted pine nuts
Garnished with potatoes wedges & mixed vegetables.
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2 ripe bananas (smashed into puree)
500ml banana milk drink
2 tbsp corn flour (stir with water till no lump)
1 tbsp honey
Heat in low fire, boil banana milk in a pot, add in honey & stir continuosly.
Add in the bananas, once the milk comes to bubble, pour in the corn water mixture.
Stir till it is thicken.Keep cool aside.
If there is leftover, keep the sauces covered in the fridge.
Serve with steamed glutinous rice, waffles or pancakes.
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2 whole ripe avocado (scoop out the flesh)
1 whole lemon juice
1/2 tsp chili powder
salt & sugar to taste
2 tbsp cold water
2 tbsp olive oil
Pour all these ingredients in a food mixer, best kept in the fridge overnight for all types garnishes or nachos.
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2 cup self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup brown sugar
150g butter
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 egg yolk
1 cup raspberries puree
1 cup roasted flakes almond
1/2 cup roasted flakes almond
salt to taste
Parch the square flan with butter & keep aside.
In a mixing bowl, beat yolk, sugar, butter, vanilla & salt together.
Then mix the flour & baking powder, alittle at a time.
Fold in the almonds & combined thoroughly.
Divide the mixture into two.
Pour 1 part into the flan, spread & pour the puree evenly.
Add the remainder flour, sprinkle with 1/2 cup flakes.
Bake about 20mins or till brown before slice into cubes.
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1 red / green apples (diced)
1 beetroot (peel the skin - diced)
1 carrot (peel the skin - diced)
1 tbsp honey
cubes of ice
Blend the fruits in the juice extractor, strain & keep aside.
Stir in honey continuously & serve with ice cubes.
This drink is good for detox & very refreshing.
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50g candlenut
2 tbsp coriander seeds
2 onions
3 red / green chilies
3 stalk of lemongrass
3 garlic
salt to taste
1 tbsp lemon juices
1 tbsp sugar
200g fresh fish (boneless & cut into cubes)
banana leaves
2 sprigs basil leaves
1sprig turmeric leave
Blend all except fish, banana leaves, basil, turmeric, salt, sugar.
In a mixing bowl, mix the paste together with fish, salt, turmeric leave, basil & sugar.
Marinate about 15mins, then spread 1 tbsp of the mixture onto the banana leaves.
Using a toothpick to knot the center of the leaves.
Steam for another 20mins.
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