
Chicken In Minutes

1 kg boneless chicken (cut into 8 pcs)
500ml coconut milk
$1 chili paste
3 tbsp tomato paste
3" ginger (pounded)
3 onion  (pounded)
5 clove of garlic (pounded)
2 tbsp shrimp paste powder
2 tbsp coriander seed (fry without oil & pound not so fine)
salt & sugar to taste
3 tbsp oil


8pcs lemon wedges
500g coleslaws
1 sprig lettuce (cut half)
1 cucumber (slice round)
2 tomatoes (slice round)
1 small can green peas

  1. Heat in medium fire. In a wok... pour oil & stir in the chili, onion, garlic, ginger, shrimp paste powder till fragrance or till oil surface.
  2. Add in tomato paste, coconut milk, salt & sugar to taste.
  3. Simmer till thicken & keep aside.
  4. Off the fire. Transfer the sauces onto a bowl.
  5. Prepare a shallow tray.
  6. Dip the meat into the sauces & arrange in the tray, sprinkle with coriander seeds & peas.
  7. Grill till meat, crispy & golden brown about 25mins.
  8. Serve each person with 1 or 2 meat, garnished before serving.
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