

5 shallots (cut half)
2 green / red chilies (cut 4 lengthly)
2 onions
5 clove garlic
2 tbsp turmeric powder
50g candlenuts
50cts chili paste
3" ginger
1/2 cup vinegar
salt & sugar to taste
2 tbsp oil
3 cucumbers / 2 carrots (cut lengthly)

  1. Blend onion, garlic, ginger, candlenuts till paste.
  2. Heat in medium fire. Pour oil in a wok.
  3. Saute the chili paste, including the candlenuts mixture till fragrance or till oil surfaces.
  4. Add salt, turmeric & sugar to taste.
  5. Pour the vinegar, simmer about 15mins. Off the fire.
  6. Stir all the chilies, shallots, carrot, cucumber together & cover with lid.
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