
Steamed Fish in Banana Leaves

50g candlenut

2 tbsp coriander seeds
2 onions
3 red / green chilies
3 stalk of lemongrass
3 garlic
salt to taste
1 tbsp lemon juices
1 tbsp sugar
200g fresh fish (boneless & cut into cubes)
banana leaves
2 sprigs basil leaves
1sprig turmeric leave

  1. Blend all except fish, banana leaves, basil, turmeric, salt, sugar.
  2. In a mixing bowl, mix the paste together with fish, salt, turmeric leave, basil & sugar.
  3. Marinate about 15mins, then spread 1 tbsp of the mixture onto the banana leaves.
  4. Using a toothpick to knot the center of the leaves.
  5. Steam for another 20mins.
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