
Vegetable Pie Tie

10 pcs pie tie                                             
$1 ground dried shrimp
5 tbsp sambal garlic
1 onion (diced)
1 carrot (diced)
1 small mangkuang (diced)
3 clove of garlic (diced)
50cts ground peanut
2 hard-boiled egg (diced)
2 tbsp oil
salt & pepper to taste
20ml thick sweet soy sauce

  1. Heat in medium fire. Pour in the oil together with onion, shrimp, garlic... saute till fragrance.
  2. Add in salt, pepper, carrot & mangkuang & stir continuosly. Off the fire.
  3. Arrange the pie tie on the plate, take a spoonful of veg, abit of sambal garlic.
  4. Garnish with peanut & eggs
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