
Snow-skin with Lotus-paste Mooncake

500g Fried Glutinuos Rice Flour
200g icing sugar
8 tbsp shortening (Crisco)
350ml cold water
1 tbsp vanilla essence

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl & keep aside for 30mins.
  2. Divide the dough into different flavour & food coloring
  3. Roll into a small ball
500g lotus paste
250 fried melon seeds
15 pcs salted egg yolk (cut half)

  1. Mix all filling except egg yolk together, make a small ball & keep aside.
  2. Sprinkle some flour into the mooncake mould.
  3. Take the dough & flatten it, put 1 lotus ball & egg yolk then roll into a ball.
  4. Press the dough into the mould tightly & knock it out.
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