
Meat Rolls

250g flour
200g chilled chopped butter
1 egg
3 tbsp iced water
250g mince meat (beef, mutton or chicken)
3 onion (diced)
5 garlic (diced)
salt & pepper to taste
3 tbsp bryani spice
100g mixed vegetable
100g shredded mozzarella cheese
2 tbsp oregano
3 tbsp oil
1 egg (separate the white & yolk & beaten)

  1. Place flour, butter in food mixer… process till fine & crumble.
  2. Add in the egg then the water, process again till the dough come together.
  3. Wrap in plastic & keep cool in the fridge about 20mins.
  4. In a wok, pour in the oil at medium heat & stir in the onion, garlic, spice till fragrance.
  5. Add in the salt & pepper to taste.
  6. Stir in the meat till cook, lastly add the mixed vegetables, off the heat & let it to cool.
  7. Knead the dough, cut into small portion & roll it rectangular about 2 cm & thinly as u can.
  8. Place the meat in the dough, spread evenly in a row, sprinkle the cheese & oregano.
  9. Then roll the dough, stick it with egg white together with the end edge.
  10. Brush the roll with yolk & bake till the surface golden brown.
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